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The continueing site Inuyasha Mania 2

Inuyasha Mania 2

This is the second site of Inuyasha Mania 2. I had run out of run for all the pages I wanted on my site so I had to get another account and make a second site. here are the pages on this site (there is a link below this list to the second site):

Bathing Caps- a few screen caps of bath moments of the Inuyasha characters
The Maker Of Inuyasha- a little on the maker of Inuyasha
The Movies- a little on the 4 movies of Inuyasha
Inuyasha Sit- a bunch of caps and clips of Inuyasha Sit moments
FAQ- a page of qestions emailed in by veiwers
Qoutes- a list of movie and episode qoutes, that you read and guess who said them emailing the answer to me which i will post on the page
Simple Characters- a list of all the simple characters on the show and a little about them
Weapons and attacks- a list of weapons and attacks, who uses them, and wat they do
The Couples- a list of the couples on Inuyasha and a little about how they work

Inuyasha Mania 2

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